• Who Needs To Be A Member

    Every Competitor of a USA Roller Sport Scootering event, regardless of division, is required to be a USA Roller Sports member. This also includes all Judges, Coaches, & Committee Members. Your Membership last 1 year and will need to be renewed once expired if you intend on competing, judging, or coaching within the USARS system.

  • Membership Fees

    There are 2 USARS membership options. The most common is the “Full Membership” option which is required for any competitor that is competing in USARS Scootering Qualifier & National Events. The fee for this membership tier is $90 a year.

    The second option is called “Limited Membership”. This membership tier is for those only competing in sanctioned events. The “Limited Membership” fee is $50 a year. Members are allowed to upgrade their Limited membership to a Full Membership if they decide to compete in a qualifier or the nationals competition.

    More Information can be found here: Link

  • Safe Sport

    Athletes, Judges, Coaches, & Committee Members that are 18 or older must also take part in a SafeSport/Sport 80 Coarse online. This must be done to ensure your membership with USARS is in good standing. All members of USARS must be in good standing before participating in any USARS Activity.